Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is Happiness A Skill?

Happiness is something we all strive for and want in life in my opinion. No matter what we do happiness is what we want out of everything. We want to be happy when we are picking out our clothes, food, dates etc. But how come happiness seems to come so naturally to some people? Which leads me to thinking...Is happiness a skill? And if so can we all learn how to be happy no matter what we are doing? 

Do fun stuff. Sure, you need to take your problems seriously, eat your vegetables and keep up with the news. But not every minute of the day! Take time to click on that cute or funny Facebook link. Watch or read something that makes you laugh, or indulge in some escape. I’ve most recently been transported to Paris, while watching Sex and the City. The lighthearted story of Carrie searching for her love in the most romantic city in the world. The scenery, the fashion and even just the feel of the magnificence city like Paris really brightness up my day. The heroine, dressed in expensive stilettos, back and forth between fabulous Paris and celeb-filled cocktail parties, exchanging gossip with her equally fabulous BFFs—about as far from my life as you can get. Though my reality—being a graphic design student in her twenties—does help increase the fun factor, I gotta say there’s usually a game of chase or something silly I can engage in the minute I come home at night.
Think happy thoughts. Even small ones, like, “The Eiffel tower really is beautiful.” Or, “My outfit looks really good today.” Look for something to enjoy in the moment, or something to look forward to, something that you’re grateful for, or find a happy memory and dwell on that. These small thoughts add up, boosting your mood and at least temporarily interrupting that endless loop of negativity.
Hug somebody. Thank goodness for my snuggly boyfriend! But if you don’t have a husband or a boyfriend or a friend handy, a pet will work just fine. The benefits of touch are well-documented, and can sometimes really work wonders.
Get some exercise. I know, sounds like broccoli. But wow, does it work. It’s as close to a psychological cure-all as you can get. After a 20 minute walk in the park, all the problems that you have been thinking about or the homework that has been waiting for you for ages seems to have gotten a lot easier to deal with. Exercise really clears up your mind and lets you escape from reality
What’s your favorite “happiness skill”?
