Spring has finally arrived and with the warm weather come our shorts, skirts and dresses. And lots of stress to how we will look in them. After all the delicious meals that we all had during the holidays I bet most of us have put on a little pound or two. It can get stressful to work out and stick to a goal so I wanted to share with you some easy ways to make your resolutions more enjoyable.
- Tell Someone The first step to making your resolution a reality is to share it with someone. Knowing that your friends and family will be asking you about your resolution will motivate you more.
- Buddy up Personality I don't like going to the gym alone, especially as a women it can get intimidating. Grab a girlfriend and head to the gym or outside and it will make the process much more fun. Also it will motivate you to push each other to keep going.
- Create a plan Making a dream a reality is much easier on paper. Plan your meals and activities and make them enjoyable. How about a run in the park with your puppy or loved one? Don't stick to just going to the boring gym, now that its warm out head outside and get some fresh air.
- Ask yourself "WHY" Figure out why you want to achieve these goals? Is it to improve your self-esteem or to reduce stress? Make your goals emotionally close to you and not just a hope or a must.
- Keep it real Keep your goals realistic to you, and start out small that way you can be happier with the results. Don't overwork yourself from the beginning, you need to be able to enjoy this and not make it be more work.
- Be flexible Don't punish yourself for cheating once in a while. You only live once so enjoy it, you can enjoy a couple of cookies just make sure to get back to your routine the next day.
- Reward yourself When you've been on your routine for impressively long for your goals reward yourself. And make it something that you will really enjoy so you will have something to look forward to. Such as a manicure, massage or a night out in town.
xoxo, Kristina